jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Hi bloggers, today I am going to talk about my paternal grandfather because is the person who I like to have a one-on-one conversation. I choice my grandfather for that because I did not get to know him, but I know him for the stories of my family and I really like know him.

I don’t know when he died, I only know that this happening in the 80s decade. I don’t remember when I heard for first time about my grandfather but my father always talk about him.
He was a construction labourer, he knew my grandmother building a highway near Conception city in a town called Tomeco.

He played futbol like a archer and was a brilliant player of briscas (a Chilean play of card specially use in the countryside)  and any kind of card plays. He loved the fruit and the child.  

I would like to ask him about her life, because I have many curiosity in the forms of life in the period when he live.

In definitive I would like to meet him because I have been told about him very well and always was 
an enigmatic figure and I'm intrigued to know how it was because is my family And I wonder if it will look like me or no.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Hi bloggers, today I am going to talk about my 12 birthday, this is a great birthday and I will remember for all my life because it was nice while it lasted.   In that day I invited all my friend to my house and there was a lot of food. In this moment in my house we lived with my uncles and my uncle brought my favorite cake and I enjoy it very much. In the afternoon I went with my friends to a friend house with swimming pool and we swam very much, more late we went to square for play futbol until nightfall.

I remember a few gift or present, I remember the present of my best friend and I offended because he gave a book and in that time I don’t read very well, I never read that book. But my grandfather also gave me a book ant this book I enjoy too much.  My father gave me a futbol ball and this present made me very happy but that blew out in two week only, it was not very good.

This is the birthday what I more remember, I don’t know the reason. But what I do know is that it was a very good birthday, because I feel very dear and had a good time and I hope I never forget.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I'll tell you what I did during the long weekend. For me that was a great weekend because I could rest and be with my family in San Javier, a town near of Talca. On Friday I did not do much because Saturday was to leave early in the morning heading for San Javier, where my grandparents live. The road is very congested because everyone was trying to escape of Santiago, we linger five hours!! In a journey that takes three hours only. But when we arrived we had lunch a very good meal.
Sunday trip to the beach to a town called Pelluhue. In the path, near of Cauquenes I bought a very good handmade wine in a five little bottle. After of Pelluhue I went to Coñaripe beach, this is a very nice place, very beautiful and quiet. In the market I bought a very tasty ceviche of reineta and a little of cochayuyo to take away. On the beach ran a very cold wind but the day was very nice. On Sunday I went to Loncomilla river whit my dog, she got to the river and was soaked.

Tuesday we returned to Santiago and spend my time to rest

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

Hello bloggers, today I will talk about a book I read recently and I like very much. I always liked latinoamerican literature because is very original and shows many tematics own of this continent. But the book that I will discuss today does not belong to a Latin American author but it is about a typical thematic of America: the original towns. Pierre Clastes is a French writer, is an anarchist anthropologist and ethnologist. In 1974 wrote a book called “the society against the state” This book is very interesting because it talks about0 “primitive” peoples on amazonic jungle demonstrating the complexity of its forms of social organization and political, because these people did not have state and refused any form of authority, however, society does not lack any of the resources they need to live, if not the opposite also its culture is very rich and egalitarian, however it is not the paradise but it seeks to problematize concepts as political power or authority, because this concepts do not exist in all societies and not mean they are less evolved if not that different.


miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

"Utaku Zone Fanzine"

Hello bloggers, today I am going to talk about "Utaku zone Fanzine" this is a fanzine dedicate to all who like the Japanese culture and specifically the animé world.
This fanzine is very nice because it has a good presentation and many drawings that make this magazine in somesing very entertaining.
Also, this fanzine is very interesting for any kind of person, not only for anime fan, because some articles talk about topical issues.

The only think I do not like it is in English. Because I can not understand everything he says. 

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

Well, today I have had to speak the blog of Valentina
All year long this blog published 16 post  
This blog has a very nice design whit a beautiful background, the background is a bookshelves whit a lot of book but without label. The blog has only one picture and one video. The picture of the blog is of a lake in a forest and is the picture of the post whit the title “A natural place”, I am going to correct this post now

 I chose this post because it is the one with more comments with other bloggers. This post have 204 words and talk to the The National Park Tolhuaca, place that the blogger visit in summer.

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

A special place in Santiago
A special place in santiago that I like to visit is the Parque Quinta Normal, the first time I visited this place it was three or four years ago, as far as I remember, because it is likely gone as a child. The park it is within the commune of Quinta Normal but belong to commune of Santiago. I don’t go that often because it is far from my house, but no so far whit my university.
When I go to the park I really like look for and pick up seeds, especially Palma Chilena seed, because in a few place in Santiago are so many trees, as well as I like to visit the Huerto Urbano Yungay, is an organization that has a space in comodato and use this place for many activities related whit urban agriculture. I tend to go in my bicycle. Sometimes I go to alone or whit friends
The last time when I visited the park was earlier this year, in March, because in this period happen the maturation of the palma chilena fruit.