jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Hi bloggers, today I am going to talk about my paternal grandfather because is the person who I like to have a one-on-one conversation. I choice my grandfather for that because I did not get to know him, but I know him for the stories of my family and I really like know him.

I don’t know when he died, I only know that this happening in the 80s decade. I don’t remember when I heard for first time about my grandfather but my father always talk about him.
He was a construction labourer, he knew my grandmother building a highway near Conception city in a town called Tomeco.

He played futbol like a archer and was a brilliant player of briscas (a Chilean play of card specially use in the countryside)  and any kind of card plays. He loved the fruit and the child.  

I would like to ask him about her life, because I have many curiosity in the forms of life in the period when he live.

In definitive I would like to meet him because I have been told about him very well and always was 
an enigmatic figure and I'm intrigued to know how it was because is my family And I wonder if it will look like me or no.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Simon! That's interesting, i know that my great-great-grandmother had my name too but i haven't heard any story about her, still it wakes up my curiosity, cheers!
